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This python module is used to make your command line terminal more fancy when printing / logging certain events.

Visit the logging documentation for more information on how to use the logging functionality of this module.

Table of contents

Quick install

pip install cli-log


Usage :, prefix='', color=cli.Blue')

message : str
The message to log.
prefix : str, (optional)
An optional prefix for the log message. Defaults to ''.
color : str, optional
An optional color for the log message. Defaults to BLUE.


Usage : cli.debug(message, prefix='', color=cli.GREEN)

message : str
The message to log.
prefix : str, (optional)
An optional prefix for the log message. Defaults to ''.
color : str, (optional)
An optional color for the log message. Defaults to GREEN.


Usage : cli.warn(message, prefix='', color=cli.YELLOW)

message : str
The message to log.
prefix : str, (optional)
An optional prefix for the log message. Defaults to ''.
color : str, (optional)
An optional color for the log message. Defaults to YELLOW.


Usage : cli.error(message, prefix='', color=cli.RED)

message : str
The message to log.
prefix : str, (optional)
An optional prefix for the log message. Defaults to ''.
color : str, (optional)
An optional color for the log message. Defaults to RED.


Usage : cli.add(severity, message, prefix='', color=cli.WHITE)

severity : str
The severity of the log message.
message : str
The message to log.
prefix : str, (optional)
An optional prefix for the log message. Defaults to ''.
color : str
An optional color for the log message. Defaults to WHITE.


Usage to set log_format : cli.init(prefix='[{time} / {severity}]{prefix} {message}')
Usage to reset log_format : cli.init(reset=True)

log_format : str, (optional)
The format of the log messages. Defaults to '[{time} / {severity}]{prefix} {message}'.
reset : bool, (optional)
Whether or not to reset the log_format to the default. Defaults to False.


BLUE is the default color for, set it using cli.BLUE.
GREEN is the default color for cli.debug(), set it using cli.GREEN.
YELLOW is the default color for cli.warn(), set it using cli.YELLOW.
RED is the default color for cli.error(), set it using cli.RED.
WHITE is the default color for cli.add(), set it using cli.WHITE.
MAGENTA, set it using cli.MAGENTA.
CYAN, set it using cli.CYAN.
BLACK, set it using cli.BLACK.

The colors can also be set using colorama, or additionally you can use your own ANSI sequences.


Basic usage

import cli"Hello world!\nInfo event.")
cli.debug("Debug event.")
cli.warn(prefix="CORE", message="Warning event.")
cli.error("Error event.")
[16:30:52 / INFO] Hello world!
[16:30:52 / INFO] Info event.
[16:30:52 / DEBUG] Debug event.
[16:30:52 / WARN][CORE] Warning event.
[16:30:52 / ERROR] Error event.

Advanced usage

import cli"Hello world!")
cli.add(severity="Testing", message="Hello", prefix="test", color=cli.MAGENTA)
cli.init(log_format="[{time} ! {severity}]{prefix} {message}", reset=True)
cli.error("Error between error raising.")
cli.init(reset=True) # Doesn't do anything because we didnt set format before
cli.debug("Should not get executed.")
cli.init(log_format="[{severity} ! {time}]{prefix} {message}")"Hello", color=cli.BLACK)
[16:30:52 / INFO] Hello world!
[16:30:52 / TESTING][test] Hello
Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages\cli-log\", line 18, in init
        raise ValueError("Cannot use 'reset' parameter in combination with 'log_format'")
ValueError: Cannot use 'reset' parameter in combination with 'log_format'

[16:30:52 ! ERROR] Error between error raising.
[16:30:52 / DEBUG] Should not get executed.
[16:30:52 ! INFO] Hello

Here you can see that an error was raised due to the usage of the reset parameter in combination with the log_format parameter.
You can also see that the [16:30:52 / DEBUG] is not using [16:30:52 ! DEBUG] because the format was reset.