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This is the documentation for the built-in-logging functionality.
Its a subclass of the standard logging library included in python.

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To enable the syslog, filelog or streamlog, call the logging.init() function with the appropriate parameters.

Initialises the logging system with the specified options.

level : int, (optional)
The logging level (e.g., logging.DEBUG, logging.INFO). Defaults to logging.DEBUG.
handler_type : str, (optional)
Type of logging handler ('syslog', 'file', 'stream'). Defaults to 'syslog'.
facility : int, (optional)
Syslog facility if handler_type is 'syslog'. Defaults to SysLogHandler.LOG_DAEMON.
address : str, (optional)
Address for syslog logging if handler_type is ‘syslog’. Defaults to '/dev/log'.
log_file_path : str, (optional)
Path to the log file if handler_type is 'file'. Required if handler_type is 'file'.
mode : str, (optional)
Mode for opening the log file if handler_type is 'file'. Defaults to 'a' (append mode).
max_bytes : int, (optional)
Maximum size of the log file before rotation (used with 'file' handler). Defaults to 10485760 bytes (10 MB).
backup_count : int, (optional)
Number of backup log files to keep (used with 'file' handler). Defaults to 5.
stream : file-like object, (optional)
Stream to log to if handler_type is 'stream' (e.g., sys.stdout). Defaults to None.
fmt : str, (optional)
Log message format. Defaults to "%(asctime)s - %(filename)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(levelname)s - '%(message)s'".
datefmt : str, (optional)
Date/time format for log messages. Defaults to "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S".


import cli

def test_logging():
        # Configure logging to a file
        cli.logging.init(level=cli.logging.DEBUG, mode='w', handler_type='file', log_file_path='testing/test.log')'CLI started\nYo')
        cli.debug('I am a debug')

    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Exception occurred: {str(e)}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Terminal output:

[01:34:47 / INFO] CLI started
[01:34:47 / INFO] Yo
[01:34:47 / WARN] Sup
[01:34:47 / DEBUG] I am a debug
[01:34:47 / CRITICAL] Critical

File output under testing/test.log:

2024-07-09 01:34:47 - INFO - 'CLI started'
2024-07-09 01:34:47 - INFO - 'Yo'
2024-07-09 01:34:47 - WARNING - 'Sup'
2024-07-09 01:34:47 - DEBUG - 'I am a debug'
2024-07-09 01:34:47 - CRITICAL - 'Critical'